Vendor Policy & Procedures
Urban Market champions Northern Ireland business. We strive to create a festive and community atmosphere, hosting a variety of traders.
We ask that as far as possible all items for sale are made in or sourced from Northern Ireland. Urban Market will proactively promote all vendors and their businesses alongside the markets themselves.
Vendors must meet the following criteria on application to Urban Market
Individual or business must be based in Northern Ireland and primarily trade in Northern Ireland
Vendors must own, be employed by or represent Northern Ireland owned business
For this reason, representatives of multi-level marketing companies, eg Scentsy, Avon, Bodyshop, Aloe Living and Norwex etc may not participate
Vendors must hold valid public liability insurance with a minimum value of £5 million
Vendor Selection Process
Urban Market may give priority selection to vendors who meet the following criteria:
Work or live within a 10 mile radius of the market location
Be a previous participant in Urban Market markets
Are an artisan business
Urban Market may not select vendors who's
Product(s) conflict with vendors already participating in the market
Product(s) are not of high quality - this evaluation is made at the discretion or Urban Market and Market stakeholders
Product(s) breach Urban Market’s policy on prohibited or restricted items
Urban Market reserves the right to refuse vendor participations at Urban Market and market stakeholder discretion.
Product Restrictions
The following types of items are prohibited or restricted at Urban Market Events
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Drugs
Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items, and Weapons
Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity, and Highly Regulated Items
Violent Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Violence
Restricted Items
Alcohol may not be sold at any Urban Market event without the explicit consent of Urban Market and event stakeholders and without the submission of all applicable licences and permissions.
Food products containing alcohol, such as baked goods are permitted.
Animal Products
Food items made from animal products for both human and animal consumption are permitted at Urban Market events with the submissions of food documentation detailed in the vendor registration form.
Textiles made from legally allowed animal hair and pelts, eg wool and leather, are permitted to be sold.
Live animals and products made from endangered or protected animal species are not permitted to be sold.
Ivory products are not permitted to be sold.
Hate Items
Urban Market does not allow the sale of items that promote, support or glorify hatred towards people or otherwise demean people based upon: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation.
Urban Market also prohibits the sale of items that promote paramilitary organisations or contain sectarian, racist, homophobic or otherwise hateful slurs or language.
Urban Market asks vendors to carefully consider if their products could be deemed offensive before application.
Documentation List
The following documentation must be submitted alongside application to participate. Failure to provide documentation will result in the vendor being unable to participate in Urban Market events.
Completed registration form
Completed form of Indemnity
Public Liability insurance showing indemnity level of £5 million
Gas safety inspection report (if applicable)
PAT Cert (if using electrical appliances, including extension leads)
Completed risk assessment form
Completed fire risk assessment form (if using gas, power, generator or other sources of ignition)
Copy of hygiene certificate (if applicable)
Food hygiene rating of 3 or higher (if applicable)
Photos of products and stalls (if available)
Vendors must comply with the following rules and regulations:
The Health & Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978 – compliance with LP Gas Association No. 24 Part 3: The use of LPG cylinders in Mobile Catering Vehicles and similar units
The requirements of Regulation EC 852/2004, including details of Training of Food Handlers and Hazard Analysis Procedures in place. Adequate refrigeration and handwashing facilities must be provided. Environmental Health Officers may be present on-site to check temperature records and the use of temperature probe/ thermometers.
Price and product list must be clearly visible on or next to the stall
The Single Use Carrier Bags Charge Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 requires a minimum 5p charge by retailers for all NEW bags
Stall & Product Description
As per vendor registration form, we ask vendors to provide a full description of all product(s) that will be sold at Urban Market events.
If vendors wish to add additional products at a later date approval must be sought from Urban Market and event stakeholders as another participant may already be selling those or similar items.
Cancellation Policy
In the event that a market and/or event is cancelled due to local government restrictions, national government restrictions, hazardous weather conditions, stakeholder decisions or any other reason deemed to be no fault of Urban Market, vendors will receive credit to their account to use at a rescheduled or alternative market date. A full refund is also available on request.
Should a vendor cancel their participation in an Urban Market more than 21 days before the event a full refund wil be made. Should a vendor cancel their participation in an Urban Maret event 21 days or less before the event no refund will be made.​
Urban Market reserves the right to make exceptions to Urban Market refund and cancellation policy based on assessment of individual circumstances.